One of the AliExpress advantages is the Message Center, which connects customers with overseas stores. After reading this article, you’ll be able to easily message the seller both before placing an order and after receiving it, even if you have only recently discovered shopping on AliExpress. Note that you can connect with sellers from your PC or smartphone.

How to Message the Seller on AliExpress Before Placing an Order

It is useful to connect with the seller in case you liked a certain item, but its description doesn’t specify some of the characteristics (ex. material, available sizes or colors, etc.). Another case is when you plan to purchase something expensive on AliExpress but want to avoid paying excessive customs duties. In this situation, you can negotiate lower prices. Whatever the reason, it is better to contact the seller and clarify all the specifics you are concerned about before placing an order.

Method 1

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to contact the seller about a specific item:

  • Go to the AliExpress website.
  • To sign in, enter your registered email address and password. Alternatively, you can sign in with your phone number or social media account, if you used the latter to set up an account.
  • Go to the product page. Click on the “Message” button in the top right corner.

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  • You will be redirected to the Message Center to contact the seller directly about the product, which will be linked in the chat. Type your message in the chat box and send it.

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The seller will take some time to respond – it varies between a couple of hours and a whole day. Make sure to check unread message notifications in your profile to see if the seller has responded.

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  • In the Message Center itself, a chat with unread messages will have a small orange circle next to it. Click on it to read the messages.

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Method 2

There is another way to contact the seller:

  • While on the product page, click on the “Feedback” button.

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  • You’ll be redirected to the store’s feedback page. There, click on the “Contact Now” button in the top right corner. You’ll be redirected to the Message Center, but this time the chat won’t feature the product link.

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How to Contact the Seller after Placing an Order

There are cases when you need to message the seller after the order is placed or received. For example, you might want to extend the buyer protection period, complain about the product’s quality or inform that the parcel didn’t reach you at all. Here is how to do that:

  • In your profile, go to “My Orders”.
  • You’ll be redirected to the full list of your past and current orders. Next to the store’s link, you’ll find a small message icon – once you click on it, you’ll be redirected to the Message Center.

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How to Contact the Seller in AliExpress Mobile App

You can reach out to the seller using the official AliExpress mobile app as well.

To message the seller before placing an order:

  • Go to your AliExpress mobile app and sign in.
  • On the product page, click on the “Message” button at the bottom of the page. You will be redirected to the chat window, where you can type your message to the seller. Additionally, you can use emojis and attach files.

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To contact the seller about the purchased item/lost parcel:

  • Sign in on the mobile app. In your profile, go to “My Orders – View All”.

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  • Click on the order. Once redirected, click on the “Contact Seller”.

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To check if you have received a reply from the seller:

  • After signing up, check the small bell icon at the top right corner of the page – those are your notifications. If you have any unread messages, you’ll see a small red circle next to the icon.

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How to Share Files in AliExpress Message Center

Attaching photos and videos to your message is easy.

To attach media files to your message: Once you’re in the chat window, click on the “+” button on the left of the chat box. You will be asked to choose a file on your computer. Please note that you can’t send files bigger than 50 MB.

how to contact sellers

It is important to note that while you can send media files to the seller, AliExpress policy doesn’t allow stores to share pictures and videos via the Message Center. So, if you need additional product photos from the seller, you might need to find alternative ways to contact them.

How to Communicate with the Seller on AliExpress: Basic Rules

You can contact AliExpress sellers about anything regarding their store or products, so it is better to reach out to them in advance with any doubts – this way you’ll avoid the disappointment associated with the order disputes or product quality. To ensure smooth communication for both parties, follow these simple rules:

  • Be polite and friendly – you can start your message by addressing the seller as “Dear Friend”. In Chinese culture, this way of communication is not considered excessive but shows respect and good manners.
  • Don’t be rude or use inappropriate language. Even if you are deeply dissatisfied with your order, this method of communication won’t be very effective. In the best-case scenario, the seller will just ignore your message, but in the worst, they have the right to block you and send a complaint to the AliExpress support center with a request to delete your account.
  • Don’t spam the chat with the same questions if the seller is not responding immediately.
  • Be precise and succinct when asking questions, avoid writing lengthy messages.
  • Don’t be pushy: instead of demanding to lower the price just ask nicely – chances are, the seller will offer you a nice discount.
  • Make sure to use English to communicate with the sellers. But if, by chance, you know the Chinese language, that’s even better.

As you can see, communicating with AliExpress sellers is a straightforward process. Wishing you happy shopping and smooth communication!

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